
Summer Learning Project IV

Another year’s worth of pictures shot for Boston After School & Beyond of their various summer school programs. Each year I end up in different locations and it’s been really interesting to see the wide variety of educational experiences these kids get throughout the Boston area.

Summer Learning Project II

This past summer I was really glad to get a chance to work with Boston After School & Beyond again to document some of their Summer Learning Project sites around the Boston area. The Summer Learning Project is a summer education program where students spend the mornings on academics and the afternoons on "enrichment activities", which can be anything from swimming, to gardening, to visiting animals at the zoo.

Summer Learning Project

This past summer I spent two weeks photographing Boston After School and Beyond's Summer Learning Project, a summer education program where students spend the morning on academics and the afternoon on a variety of activities. The program has 18 different sites around Boston and I bounced around to six of them trying to show off the unique characteristics of each.